Love blossoms


Unique and personal love story forever documented in letterpress. This wedding invitation suite was letterpress printed exclusively for Australian cake and event coordinators, Sweet Art. Only a skilled craftsman could achieve a result of this calibre, with large blocks of fine text and individual impression of characters. Maintaining the structural integrity of the paper is our distinct style.

Letterpress overview

A hard copy proof print supplied to client on request to confirm colour combination. The large blocks of text maintain individual character impression without warping the paper. Legibility is enhanced through the process. 

Client comment

“Thank you so much for getting those samples to us yesterday! We have had a glowing report from the samples… Thank-you for going the extra mile on this one Wayne, it has been much appreciated.”
Marney Fontana, Designer, Sweet Art, Paddington

The fine print

Designer: Sweet Art

3 Colours: Cool Grey 10

5 + 1 U

Magnani Incisioni 350gsm Natural white

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